We charge fees based on the aggregate value of a family's investment assets under our advice, as follows:
Up to R20m
1% p.a. (+ VAT)
Between R20m and R50m
0.85% p.a. (+ VAT)
Between R50m and R100m
0.65% p.a. (+ VAT)
Above R100m
0.5% p.a. (+ VAT)
We accept fees strictly from our clients only. We make no money from the funds, platforms or products we advise our clients to use. In very limited circumstances, receiving fees or commissions from a party other than our clients (e.g. a product provider) is unavoidable. In these cases, the relevant non-client fees are discussed and fully disclosed to our clients in advance; and if and when received, such fees or commissions are immediately rebated back to our clients, as a deduction against our advisory fees.
Initial consultations attract no fees.​